Woodland Park Wind Symphony

The Woodland Park Wind Symphony has been in existence for over 25 years.    Formerly under the title of The Woodland Park Community Band, it was organized for the purpose of providing adults and children within the community of Woodland Park, Colorado, and surrounding area opportunities to enhance or recondition their instrumental music The Woodland Park Wind Symphony has been in existence for over 25 years. 

Formerly under the title of The Woodland Park Community Band, it was organized for the purpose of providing adults and children within the community of Woodland Park, Colorado, and surrounding area opportunities to enhance or recondition their instrumental musical skills cal skills

Unlike professional musical organizations whereby the sole purpose is to entertain, amateur community musical groups such as the Woodland Park Wind Symphony and...NOW..Swing Factory was developed to provide not only entertainment and support for Woodland Park but a source of local “musical enrichment” for both performers and patrons of the Pikes Peak Area.